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A great time to be alive in human history, absolutely!

You've touched on so many issues we now actually face as a species with today's congressional revelations. Much more detail must be delved into in every one of the points you've brought up today if we are to chart a course to understanding on any level.

I sadly don't think 'we're there yet" enough to learn and grow as a species in positive ways and as our government has just shown and shown many times in the past, corruption and exploitation of every resource is always top priority.

Many are heralding the confirmation of alien life in Congress today as the achievement of transparency. The sad fact remains, that this only shows the government will absolutely come clean about even aliens, AREA 51, Dulce Base and likely so much more, but still will absolutely NOT make public nor confirm the Epstein flight logs.

Not sure where that leaves us with our new Alien pals now, but I got a bad feeling.

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